Climate&Strategy Foundation supports cities on the way to climate neutrality 

Cities, occupying only 3% of land area, contribute to 72% of global greenhouse gas emissions, emphasizing the crucial need for reducing carbon footprints in urban areas. Despite this, cities and metropolitan regions serve as hubs for economic, scientific, and innovative activities, making the future of urban life pivotal in the face of the impending climate crisis. Some of Polish cities have long been preparing for climate change through Low-Emission Economy Plans and Urban Climate Change Adaptation Plans. In 2021, 10 Polish cities applied for the EU’s program for 100 climate-neutral cities by 2030, identifying them as leaders in initiating the necessary systemic transformation toward climate neutrality. But that’s not enough. Recognizing each city’s unique challenges, Climate&Strategy Foundation supports them in their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

We count the carbon footprint of cities and prepare strategies for climate-neutral cities

Our experienced experts collaborate closely with cities, offering comprehensive support in calculating carbon footprints and developing strategies for achieving climate neutrality. Using the international GHG Protocol standard, we assess emissions from services, products, businesses, and planned investments. We follow distinct frameworks, including Scopes 1, 2, and 3, with a focus on BASIC-level sources common to most cities. Actively engaging with city project teams, we guide them through the entire process, sharing knowledge, best practices, and facilitating experience exchange. Our experts not only accompany cities in planning emission reduction strategies but also provide targeted advice in areas such as energy efficiency and green project financing.

We support cities in taking low-emission activities and indicate sources and methods of financing pro-climate investments

We assist cities in implementing low-emission initiatives, offering guidance on funding sources and methods for pro-climate investments. Climate change affects virtually every aspect of life, and careful planning of activities and projects, considering emission reductions, is crucial. We willingly share knowledge and insights, inviting residents, representatives of academia, and non-governmental organizations to discussions. The goal is to provide cities with diverse perspectives as they implement their climate policies, enabling informed decision-making. One initiative in this regard is the Gdańsk Climate Change Council, in which we are pleased to participate. A recurring theme in our discussions is the observation that there are abundant funds for financing green projects, yet few projects worthy of funding. We strive to reverse this trend, supporting cities in investment planning and sharing knowledge about potential funds, investors, and our rich experience in (effective!) grant application submissions.

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We provide expert support in expanding the competences of local government representatives and conduct educational activities

As part of our collaboration with the Union of Polish Metropolises, an organization uniting leading cities in Poland, we regularly host meetings addressing climate-related topics. These sessions aim to enhance the understanding of the challenges faced by Polish cities. Equipped with various tools, we regularly work with cities, training them and providing pro-climate consultations, presenting even the most challenging issues in a clear and understandable manner. Our speakers are not only experts in their fields but also experienced presenters. We frequently organize webinars for cities, including two Cities for Climate conferences in 2023, participate as speakers in training sessions, give interviews, contribute to industry publications, and publish our own materials. Actively working to make carbon footprint reduction in cities more widespread, our training sessions receive high attendance and positive feedback.