We believe that knowledge is the key and we are happy to share it.

Our experts actively contribute to the discourse on crucial climate issues through publications and speeches. We focus on disseminating knowledge about carbon footprint, analyzing climate competitiveness, and discussing effective strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We also address topics such as greenwashing and climate disinformation, emphasizing the significance of reliable information in the context of climate protection. By promoting climate awareness and supporting sustainable development initiatives, we play a key role in fostering a more informed and responsible society. 

Areas of our expertise:

infografika przedstawia tlenek węgla CO2, który można zredukować dzięki działaniom Climate&Strategy

carbon footprint calculation

grafika przedstawiająca korzyści dla miast, które realizują strategie klimatyczne rekomendowane przez fundację Climate&Strategy

climate competitiveness

grafika przedstawiająca tarczę ze strzałą w środku. Symbolizuje edukowanie o zmianie środowiska, śladzie węglowym i redukcji CO2 przez fundację Climate&Strategy

counteracting greenwashing

Grafika przedstawia puzle, które symbolizują powstawanie strategii redukcji śladu węglowego tworzonej w Climate&Strategy

climate strategies for business

grafika przedstawiająca chmurki konwersacyjne. Symbolizuje otwartą i klarowną komunikację, bez greenwashingu przez fundację Climate&Strategy

effective climate communication

grafika przedstawiająca świecącą żarówkę. Symbolizuje edukowanie o zmianie środowiska, śladzie węglowym i redukcji CO2 przez fundację Climate&Strategy

fighting climate disinformation

Webinars & podcasts

We enthusiastically accept invitations to participate in podcasts hosted by journalists, Internet creators and industry organizations. Podcasts provide an excellent platform for in-depth discussions, allowing us to explore topics thoroughly, answer insightful questions, and introduce innovative perspectives. Additionally, we welcome invitations to webinars and take the initiative ourselves to organize sessions on essential subjects like carbon footprint, greenwashing, and corporate climate responsibility. We firmly believe that webinars offer an effective avenue for knowledge dissemination and meaningful engagement with participants. Our commitment to answering questions ensures that attendees actively and consciously participate, leaving the webinar equipped with the necessary knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of the topic. 

Some of our initiatives:

  • Webinar “Cities for the climate. The city’s carbon footprint in practice 
  • Webinar co-organized with the BoMiasto Association, “Basics of carbon footprint calculation for small companies” for entrepreneurs from the Silesian and Lower Silesian Voivodeships 
  • Webinar co-organized with the Advertising Council, “Climate communication. How to recognize greenwashing in the context of climate declarations?” 
  • Liberte podcast, interview with our expert, Łukasz Dobrowolski, about corporate climate responsibility 
  • Zielony Podcast, interview with the founder of the foundation, Agnieszka Liszka-Dobrowolska, about climate strategies for business 

Publications & articles

We find joy in translating our knowledge into written insights and sharing expertise through a variety of publications. Our proficiency extends to developing and promoting in-depth studies, exemplified by the report “Better late than never: Carbon footprint reduction and the climate competitiveness of Polish companies.” Alongside these comprehensive pieces, we also engage in crafting concise publications such as analyses and recommendations, offering expert perspectives on current global situations. Notably, our exploration of the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on the energy sector in Poland and Europe showcases our ability to address timely events. We willingly provide expert comments and interviews on topics within our domain of expertise. Engaging in collaborative efforts, we co-author publications and reports, like the manual for journalists “How to write about climate?” developed in partnership with Gazeta.pl, the Institute of Public Affairs, and the Nauka o Klimacie portal. 

Some of our initiatives:

Publications and reports of the Climate&Strategy Foundation


We actively participate in diverse conferences and expert meetings, viewing them as valuable forums for in-depth discussions, the exchange of perspectives, and the development of fresh insights into crucial climate change issues. As panelists, we contribute to discussions covering topics such as carbon footprint, climate communication, business challenges posed by climate change, and climate disinformation. We approach these complex issues fearlessly, exploring them from various angles—analytical, psychological, business, and social. Additionally, we take pleasure in organizing or co-organizing conferences on topics we deem significant, with the “Cities for Climate” conference serving as a noteworthy example. 

Some of our initiatives: