Climate-neutral cities

The debate “Gdańsk on the path to climate neutrality”.

The Foundation Climate&Strategy organized the first “Climate neutral cities” debate in 2020, in Gdansk. During the debate, experts spoke on climate neutrality, smart cities, and the directions of development for the cities of the future. The expert panel was preceded by a civic debate with the residents of Gdansk on the subject of climate change, transport solutions and smart city technologies.

We collected the ideas and comments of residents using an online tool. Next, we prepared a report that we submitted to the Chairwoman of the European Commission Mission “Smart and climate-neutral cities”, Ms. Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz. The report was used in the development of the new EU strategy for climatic challenges in cities.

Climate for Lodz, Lodz for climate

The project was another part of the citizen discussion “Climate for Lodz, Lodz for the climate”. Several dozen residents of Lodz, representatives of the academia, experts and NGOs debated on the progressing climate change.

The discussion was held in 3 moderated topic groups. The identified urban challenges resulting from climate change are related to the following:

  1. Slowing down and preparing for climate change:
    • Emission reduction (including thermal modernization and furnace replacement),
    • Rainwater retention and management,
    • Engaging other stakeholders (including entrepreneurs).
  2. Climate-friendly city transport:
    • Development of low-emission transport,
    • Supporting non-emission means of individual transport,
    • Low emission zones.
  3. Technologies and climate:
    • Smart cities for the climate: air quality, waste management, transport, energy management in the city.

In the last stage of the meeting, the moderators presented the conclusions of the group debates. For each challenge, the residents managed to highlight the problems and challenges they faced. In addition, a lot of ideas were thrown on how to prepare for the already visible climate changes, as well as on ways to change the current activities to more environmentally friendly.

“Climate for Lodz, Lodz for climate”

Public consultation:

Gdansk Climate Change Forum

The Foundation was commissioned by the Gdansk City Hall to be the main organizer of the first Gdansk Climate Change Forum. The goal of the Forum was to update the “Climate change adaptation plan for the city of Gdansk” with the active participation of the public.

The Climate&Strategy Foundation has set up a registration page and held a panel discussion.

Results of the residents’ poll.

Almost 80 Gdansk residents, men and women, participated in the Forum and discussed at 5 topical tables. Residents discussed eight categories of threats resulting from progressive climate change: biodiversity of fauna and flora, air quality, rising sea levels, the condition of rivers, rising temperatures, and public health.