We’ve been diligently cultivating expertise on city carbon footprints, partnering closely with major Polish cities like Wrocław through tailored training sessions and engaging webinars and conferences featuring top national and international experts. Additionally, we’ve established a knowledge hub and customized existing tools to better suit the nuances of Polish contexts, making reliable resources more accessible to aid in emission reduction efforts.

“Cities for Climate” conferences

The Climate&Strategy Foundation orchestrated two impactful conferences aimed at fostering city decarbonization efforts. A one-day online webinar titled “Cities for Climate: The City’s Carbon Footprint in Practice” brought together influential figures like Rodolphe Quinn and Pedro Bizarro to emphasize collaboration and knowledge-sharing among Polish cities. Additionally, the conference “City Decarbonization in Practice,” convened local government representatives and featured presentations from esteemed climate leaders, including Katarzyna Binda, Magdalena Millert, and Rodolphe Quinn, alongside experts from the Foundation. This event, attended by representatives from various cities across Poland, delved into crucial topics such as challenges in decarbonization, effective climate communication strategies, and practical methods for calculating carbon footprints. With a total of 80 representatives from 22 cities in attendance, these conferences served as pivotal platforms for advancing collective action towards city climate resilience.

Learn more

As part of our comprehensive grant project, we’ve developed a website to underscore the significance of calculating cities’ carbon footprints. Our platform showcases the benefits of carbon footprint measurement and reduction, complemented by tailored training programs for municipalities.

Through webinars, we simplify the greenhouse gas inventory process using the GPC Protocol guidelines, while also inviting cities to expert consultation meetings for analytical support in climate projects. Additionally, our knowledge hub for cities dives into effective climate action, emphasizing the urgency for change and providing detailed guidance on carbon footprint calculations, including insights on utilizing the CIRIS calculator. These resources emphasize the importance of mitigating climate and financial risks, accessing funding, and attracting investments to urban areas for sustainable development.

Carbon footprint of cities – how do cities benefit from counting and managing their carbon footprint?

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6 tips for correct greenhouse gas inventory in the city

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